Self Service Implementation Guide

Before you can begin using Emburse Professional, you will need to configure Emburse Professional for your company. Once the steps below have been completed, your users can begin using Emburse Professional to create and submit expense reports. 

Step 1: Add Departments

In Emburse Professional, each user must be assigned to a department. When an expense is created, the expense line will default to the user's assigned department.

To add Departments you will need:

  • A list of Department Names
  • A list of Department General Ledger Codes, if applicable


Step 2: Add Categories

Categories are your company-defined descriptions of expense types. The categories you add to Emburse Professional should be the same as the categories you use in your general ledger accounting system.

To add Categories you will need: 

  • A list of Category Names
  • A list of Category account GL Codes, if applicable



Step 3: Add Policy Settings

We recommend adding your company's Travel & Expense policy documents to Emburse Professional so that your employees can access your policy at any time when creating their expense reports.

Policy settings you can configure include: 

  • Your company's Travel & Expense policy documents
  • Receipt requirement adjustments
  • Submission requirements setup
  • An Approval Workflow
  • ReportExecutive schedule


Step 4: Set Mileage Reimbursement Rates

Emburse Professional uses the official U.S. IRS rate for mileage. If the IRS formally changes the mileage rate, Emburse Professional automatically updates the system with the new rate. Alternatively, you can customize and adjust your company's mileage reimbursement rate(s) in Emburse Professional at any time.

To set Mileage Reimbursement Rates you will need:

  • Your company's current reimbursement rate(s)


Step 5: Create General Ledger Dimensions

Custom fields in Emburse Professional are managed by General Ledger Dimensions. These allow you to create custom field values for employees to use while building an expense report, and will also be available for employees to use on the Emburse Professional Mobile application.

Emburse Professional offers three types of custom fields:  



Step 6: Add Users

Once you have completed configurations for your Emburse Professional account, you can add new users. You can either add users individually, or use the bulk upload tool to upload your all of the users at once. New users will automatically receive a "Welcome Email" from Emburse Professional with their Emburse Professional username and temporary password. 

To add Users you will need:

  • The user's First Name and Last Name
  • The user's Email address
  • The user's Employee ID (if applicable)
  • The user's Role within Emburse Professional (Employee, Manager, Executive, Accountant)
  • The user's Department
  • The user's Approver and Accountant (Locked Approval Workflow only)


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