Every user and every expense line must be assigned to a Emburse Professional Department. The Emburse Professional Department to may affect which expense categories are available for selection. This article shows you how create new departments in Emburse Professional.
To open the Create New Departments page, select Configuration, then select View and Edit Departments.
Create a New Department
1. Select Create a New Department.
2. On the Edit Department page, enter the Department Name and other details for the new department.
- Second Level Approval - If you click the checkbox for Second Level Approval for this department, every expense report submitted by a user within this department will be routed for second level approval; if you do NOT click the checkbox for Second Level Approval for this department, your expense policy rules will be used to determine if second level approval is necessary for each expense report
- Strict Filtering - If you click the checkbox for Strict Filtering, the department will display only those expense categories that are linked with it; if you do NOT click the checkbox for Strict Filtering, the department will show all expense categories without a department filter, as well as those that are linked with it
Hide Department; Hide Billable; Hide Reimbursable - Emburse Professional Administrators can hide these three options from users and set default statuses in a certain department so that users cannot choose a Department or set the Reimbursable or Billable status.
3. Click Next to create the new department.
Department Bulk Upload Tool
1. To create multiple departments at once, select Use the Department Bulk Upload Tool.
2. Enter a line item for each new department you want to create. The format for each line item should be Department Name,Department Code, Department Data.
Click Add These Records to generate a line for each department below the text box.
3. Click Next to create the multiple departments.