Bulk Import User Allowances

Emburse Certify’s Import Records tool allows Administrators to bulk import or update user information, including user allowances.

Certify recommends pasting the column headers for the below tools into your preferred spreadsheet software, and then copying that data over into the text boxes provided.

1. From your Certify homepage, navigate to the System Configuration screen by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner. 

2. In the Certify Tools section, select Import Records.

3. Select Allowances from the drop-down menu.

4. Click Next to start importing the necessary records.

5. Paste your data from your preferred spreadsheet software into the text box. All fields aside from Allowance Code are mandatory: 

data import wizard_allowances

  • User Email – Enter the User’s email.
  • Allowance Name-- Select a specific name for the allowance, which represents what the allowance is for.
  • Allowance Code-- Enter an (optional) internal code.
  • Start DateEnd Date– The date range determines which expenses apply to the allowance. If an expense’s date falls within the date range of the allowance, it counts towards that allowance.
  • Amount – Enter the amount a user can spend within the established time frame and expense categories.
  • Currency – Enter the type of Currency used for the allowance.
  • Inactive – Enter True/ False to make the allowance active.
  • Prevent Report Submission – Selecting this option prevents a user from submitting future expenses until an allowance expires if a user exceeds their allowance.
  • Categories– Select one or multiple categories depending on business requirements. The categories selected determine if an expense applies to an allowance.
    • If you are creating an allowance with multiple categories, simply list the header Categories once, and then add categories in the proceeding columns. Do not need to list the column header Categories more than once. An example template is pictured below:


Bulk Importing from the View and Edit Allowances Page

Another way to access the Data Import Wizard- Allowances page is to select the View and Edit Allowances section of the Configuration page. From there, Administrators can click the Bulk Upload button on the top right of the screen. 

add allowance

For more information about the View and Edit Allowances page in Certify, refer to this Help Center Article. 

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