Commuter Mileage Now Supports TripLog Imports
Customers using our GPS mileage tracking service through TripLog can now pair this functionality with our existing Commuter Mileage feature!
Going forward, if a commuter mileage category is selected for a TripLog import, the user’s commute will be deducted from the total miles driven. Hovering over the Miles field will show the user their one way commute distance as well as the total miles driven.
If the user selects Round Trip, the commute distance will be doubled and subtracted from the total Miles.
If the user elects to change to a non-Commute expense category, the number of Miles will revert to the original amount without commute deduction.
Learn more about Commuter Mileage and GPS Mileage Tracking with TripLog in our Help Center.
Improved Auto-Categorization of TripLog Expenses
Customers using our GPS mileage tracking service through TripLog will notice improved auto-categorization of Triplog imports. Going forward, Emburse Professional will categorize TripLog imports based on the user’s recent submission history. Only Mileage categories available to the user will be considered in this selection.
Error Messaging Upon Report Timeout
When a Emburse Professional report ‘times out’ in the system, instead of the screen freezing, in most cases users will now see the following message:
“Due to the size of the report, your request has been canceled. We recommend requesting your data in smaller increments - for example, data from 6 months can be broken out into 3 increments of 2 months each. Reach out to support for more information.”
We expect this improved messaging to help users pull down necessary data despite any system challenges.