AP Release Notes: November 17, 2023

Automated Invoice Assignment Updates

Previously, when using the invoice line item field for the AIA rule, the rule must be true against all invoice line items for it to be applied. 

Emburse Professional AP has now updated the detail field logic so that as long as one of the line items is true against the rule, the rule will be true.

For example, using the following condition, 

and assuming the user received an invoice with;

  • Line1.[ProductDescription] = 10pk multi-color pen
  • Line2.[ProductDescription] = 2 boxes of paper

results in: 

Previous Logic Invoice is created under Unassigned Queue since not all line items contain “box”.
New Logic Invoice is assigned to the AIA user since the Line2. [ProductDescription] contains “box”.

Automated Invoice Assignment Rule 

Emburse Professional AP has added an option to export the list of the AIA rules that you have configured. On the AIA Configuration page, click the “Export to Microsoft Excel” to export the rules.

The file contains the following columns:

Accounting Reviewer Indication - Transaction History Report

We have added an indication to define the accounting reviewer of the invoice on the Transaction History Report. On the report, the Accounting Reviewer is labeled as such.

For Example:

New Company Preference Settings

We have added various settings to the Company Preferences page that were previously managed by our Emburse Professional Support team. By doing this, AP administrators can enable/disable the setting on their end manually, without having to go through a third party. Here is the list of newly available settings:

  • Posting Date: Allows you to require a Posting Date on an invoice. Once this is enabled, the Posting Date is required at the accounting review stage.
  • MultiCurrency: Allows users to include currencies other than USD. Once this is enabled, you cannot disable it again.
  • Incremental Export: Allows you to generate a Company Data Export incrementally. The first export after this is enabled is a full export, with the following exports being only the new data since the last export.
  • Vendor/Dept Restriction: Allows you to restrict vendors by department.

Bulk Department Move - SetupUtility

We have added a new import type called Department Move to the SetupUtility. This allows AP Administrators to easily move the departments around in bulk.

Below is the import template: 

  • Department: The name of the department that you are trying to move.
  • ERPID: The code of the department you are trying to move.
  • ParentDepartment: The name of the new department you are moving the previous department to.
  • ParentERPID: The code of the new department you are moving the previous department to.

Bug Fix Notes

Issue Description
CAP-3105 | PO number not visible on InvoiceExport page. An issue was found where the PO number was not visible on the export page where you can re-export particular invoice. This has been resolved.
CAP-6855 | Users with Adminstrator permission have no access to CategoryPurchaser/PO Layout An issue was found where the AP administrator did not have access to the CategoryPurchaser and PO Layout tile. This has been resolved.
CAP-7394 | Approved Invoice Email Notification Not going to Submitter An issue was found where the approved invoice email notification was not sent to the invoice submitter. This has been resolved.
CAP-7609 | [AID] Comments field have no limit An issue was found where the approver comment had no character limits in the new approval ui. This has been resolved.
CAP-7902 | Missing LineItems for Central Orderer Email An issue was found where the email notification sent to the central orderer did not include all line items except for the first line. This has been resolved.
CAP-7907 | CheckRequest Print Issue An issue was found where the print view of the check request include the certify ap top-nav menu. This has been resolved.
CAP-7914 | Incorrect Approval Validation Message An issue was found where the approval modal was showing incorrect message for the invoice for the user submitting an invoice but also an approver at the same time. This has been resolved.

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