Creating a Mileage Expense with Commuter Miles

Commuter Mileage provides a way for Emburse Professional users to deduct their daily business commute from business-related mileage. Many of our Emburse Professional companies have a similar policy. This article shows you how to create a mileage expense with commuter mileage deduction. 

Please see Adding Commute Distance to enter your one-way personal commute to your Emburse Professional Account.

1. On your account homepage, under My Expense Reports, select Drafts


2. Under My Expense Reports, click the Name of the expense report you want to open.


3. In the Add Expense box below the expense report, enter the expense information and select the appropriate mileage expense category. These will also be available when entering mileage via Emburse Professional Mobile.

If your company has Commuter Mileage configured, you will find two Mileage expense categories:

  • Mileage with Commute
    • The title may vary, such as Commuter Mileage, Personal Commute, or To/From Home
  • Mileage without Commute
    • The title may vary, such as Business Mileage or Regular Mileage.

If you started or ended at your home address for either the round trip or this individual mileage segment, use Mileage with Commute.

If you did not start or end at your home address for either the round trip or this individual mileage segment, use Mileage without Commute.


4. When the mileage expense Category is selected, enter your To and From locations, and click MapIt! for your mileage.

When using Mileage with Commute, Emburse Professional will deduct your commuter mileage automatically; both in the mileage calculation and on the map. 

Please Note: If your MapIt! calculated mileage is less than your personal commute distance, your commute distance will not be deducted and a zero reimbursement expense will be created. It is assumed you did not travel from your home to your place of employment in this case.


When using Mileage without Commute, Emburse Professional will not deduct your commuter mileage.


The Add Segment link will allow you to easily create segments with the correct expense categories. Your To location will autofill in the From section for your next Mileage segment. 


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