Release Notes: November 17, 2023

Add a Company Logo to Your Certify Account

When onboarding new software at your company, we recognize that personalization and familiarity can be key components to successful user adoption. That is why Administrators can now customize their application header with a company logo or avatar.

A logo can be added by any user with full Administrator permissions. Once added, the logo appears for all users within the company.

Administrators can add a logo by opening Configuration and selecting View and Edit Policy. On the Policy page, select Choose File under Upload Company Logo.

Next, select an image from your desktop and click Save at the bottom of the page. Once saved, the logo will appear in the upper right-hand corner of each page, next to your name and your company’s name.


Please ensure your file meets all of the following requirements:

  • File must be a JPG, PNG, or SVG image type
  • Image must be between 40 and 100 pixels, square

The logo can be removed or replaced at any time, simply by clicking the red “X” next to the filename.

API Updates

We’ve added the ability to query the Certify API to pull down corporate credit card expenses by a given date range.

Note: The following information only applies to corporate card expenses and not small business feeds. 

Using the GET /expenses call with a datetype parameter of 2 will now return only credit card expenses. When datetype = 2, the startdate and enddate parameters will refer to when Certify received the expense in question from your bank. 

This can be used in conjunction with the processed parameter to return processed, unprocessed, or both types of credit card expenses. 

This update means that API customers can now pull down credit card expenses in smaller batches, which can then be used to make reconciliation a smoother process. 

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