AP Release Notes: October 5, 2023

Approval Detail Page Updates

After reviewing all client feedback regarding the first version of the new approval detail page, we are now ready to enable the new version that includes a new design and additional functionality.  The new changes are listed below: 

  1. Editable Transaction Header Field

    As an approver, you can now easily modify the transaction header field by clicking on the field without having to click the View Details button. 

    When you click on a field (e.g., the Transaction title), it turns into an editable field. You can then update the value and click the checkmark to confirm the change.
  2. Process and Pay Button

    For those clients using NACHA, CertifyPayment, or B2BPayment, we have brought back the PROCESS AND PAY button at the Accounting Review stage. This action works the same as the current button which is used to sync the invoice to Emburse Professional Payment or EmbursePay as an “external payment”.
    For B2BPayment clients, the PROCESS AND PAY button will be grayed out if the vendor has a payment method but is not synced to EmbursePay.

  3. Consolidated Line Item Column Data

    After reviewing some of the data fields, we have decided to combine some fields into a single column so the approver can see more information at once without having to open the line item detail. The columns that have combined are the following:

Main Data Column Sub-Data Column
Description Detailed Description
Price Unit

Quantity Received

Quantity Ordered



Model Number


New Data Filter Section - Custom Export Builder

We have added a new filter section that includes a department filter. This new department filter works similarly to the original department filter. Also, this new section allows us to add other filters as we add more in the near future.

Let's say your company hierarchy is as shown below;

And you have one export file template with a department filter for Accounts Payable and another export file template for Customer Success. 

In the previous department filter selection, if you had an invoice with 2 line items where one line is allocated to Accounts Payable and another allocated to Customer Success, this invoice would not be included in either of the files since invoices cannot be split across different template due to department filter. It can only be exported if there is a template with a department filter set to a common parent department (in this case, company-level, Massive Dynamics).

With the new filter section, there are 2 changes:

  1. Invoice can now be split across the different templates. Only the line items allocated to the selected department filter will be included in the file. 
  2. The Invoice Total will be only the sum of the line item included in the file. 

Please Note: If your company uses the previous version, your templates will automatically be converted to the new filter. 

Bug Fix Notes

Issue Description
CAP-7823 | Unable to view Project Report An issue was found where the user was not able to view the project report for requisition and PO. This has been resolved.
CAP-7850 | Canceled Payment keeps going back to AR An issue was found where the canceled payment from EmbursePay kept making the invoice back to the accounting review queue in AP. This has been resolved.

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