New Custom Export Builder Field
Certify AP has added a new data field called Invoice Approvers Header Comments, to the custom export builder tool. This is a field to export comments added by the invoice approvers during the invoice approval process. If there is more than 1 approver for the invoice then each approver’s comment will be separated by semi-colon.
For ex:
[approver1] - please further review; [approver2] - this can be processed.
Approval Detail Page Updates
We have updated the Quantity field on the new approval detail page. There are 3 quantity fields when reviewing the invoice:
- Quantity -- The quantity that will be invoiced.
- Qty Ordered -- The original quantity ordered from PO. This is only visible if the invoice line item is matched to PO/PackingList.
- Qty Received -- The original quantity received from Packing List. This is only visible if the invoice line item matches the Packing List.
New Approval Detail Page UI Preference
We have added a new company preference that allows companies to enable or disable the New Approval Detail UI. When this is enabled, all approvers will use the new approval detail pageUI.
Note: Since we have launched the new UI, we will no longer resolve any issues stemming from the old Approval Details page.
Vendor Validation Message - Invoice OCR
We added a new validation message on the invoice page. If the invoice is not matched to an existing vendor record, we now display a message to show what was captured on the invoice.
Below is an example message:
Bug Fix Notes
Issue | Description |
CAP-6986 | Invoice Archive Not Showing Invoices Correctly | An issue was found in the invoice archive where the invoices pending approval process was not visible. This has been resolved. |
CAP-7777 | CustomDimension not sorted based on selection | An issue was found where the custom dimension was not sorted based on Code in the dropdown when completing the line item details. This has been resolved. |
CAP-7781 | Prevent user from submitting invoice for InvoiceOCR+AIA | An issue was found where user who uploaded the invoice via OCR was able to route the invoice when the invoice is created under different user based on Automated Invoice Assigment Rule. This has been resolved. |
CAP-7863 | PurchasingAPI: attachment endpoint fail | An issue was found where the attachment api endpoint was returning status 500. This has been resolved. |
CAP-7870 | Update Retracting PL Logic | An issue wsa found where the retracted packing list data wasn’t marked properly in the database. This has been resolved. |
CAP-7913 | Unable to reject as Accounting Reviewer | An issue was found where the accounting reviewer was not able to reject invoices in the new approval ui if the invoice is submitted from their own account. This has been resolved. |
CAP-7794 | Unable to self add Amazon | An issue was found where the clients was not able to add amazon as a punchout vendor on the requisition page. This has been resolved. |
CAP-7793 | TransactionHistoryReport - Missing Footer Items | An issue was found where the Transaction History Report was not showing the invoice footer items. This has been resolved. |
CAP-7830 | Incorrect message ‘approverA is delegate of approverA” | An issue was found where the approver delegate message was incorrectly showing on the new approval detail UI. This has been resolved. |
CAP-7859 | UserApprovalReport: Incorrect ID Mapping | An issue was found where the approvaltype for CategoryApprover was incorrectly defined in the code on the UserApprovalReport. This has been resolved. |
CAP-7886 | InvoiceStatusReport.aspx - Incorrect Invoice Total | An issue was found where the invoice total was duplicated on the invoice status report for invoices in draft. This has been resolved. |