AP Release Notes: June 15, 2023

Notice Of Change - Emburse Professional Payment

For those clients using CertifyPayment (via Convera) to pay vendor invoices, in the case that we receive a NOC (Notice Of Change) regarding the vendor’s payment account, we will be updating the vendor’s payment bank account automatically. The record of the change history will be visible in the new Vendor Change History Report.

Vendor List Update For Invoice Creation

We have added a VendorAddress + VendorID as part of the vendor list when creating the invoice. The VendorAddress + VendorID will be displayed for those vendors with the same vendor name. 

New Department Move Process

Emburse Professional AP has introduced a new way to move a department. When you click the link: Change the position of this department in the hierarchy, you will be directed to the new page:

From here, you can search for the department where you want to move the selected department to. 

To move the selected department, simply click the department name from the list. And click PROCESS to confirm the move.

Bug Fix Notes

Issue Description
CAP-7553 | Incorrect PostingDate update with QuickApprove An issue was found where the posting date was being set to InvoiceDate when the invoice was quick approved. This has been resolved.
CAP-7568 | Unable to process invoice due to decimal parsing in XML An issue was found where invoice was not being approved when there is a line item with 0.00001 amount. This has been resolved.
CAP-7585 | Error when creating new vendor An issue was found where the users was not able to create the new/edit vendors without the phone number. This has been resolved.

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