Release Notes: April 21, 2023

American Express Business Card Direct Integration

Through our partnership with American Express, Emburse Professional is pleased to offer an API-based direct connection to AMEX which automatically retrieves and imports credit card transactions to end-users Emburse Professional Wallets. Our bespoke integration removes the dependency on third-party data aggregators to retrieve transactions for customers with Business Card Programs.

In addition to a higher-quality data feed, Administrators will have the flexibility to import transactions on a card-by-card basis. Cards left unmapped will not import to Emburse Professional.

The new AMEX feed will be connected at the card program level, meaning a program only needs to be connected once, by an Administrator. Individual cardholders will not be required to take action, nor will they need to enter AMEX credentials.

Please Note: This direct integration currently only supports customers with U.S.-based small business AMEX programs; Canadian-based AMEX programs and personal card feeds will still be managed through our existing third-party data aggregators. Customers with Corporate AMEX card programs will continue to use daily data files provided by AMEX.

Please visit our Help Center for further information and instructions on how to connect your card program.

Update to Import Records Feature

The Import Records > Expenses tool previously flagged expenses with blank Transaction IDs as duplicates and prevented import.

With this change, if an expense is uploaded without a Transaction ID, the system will generate a Transaction ID dynamically and allow it to be uploaded.

Please Note: expenses uploaded without a Transaction ID will not be able to be duplicate-checked, both against existing expenses and future expenses that might match them. 

Update to Second-Level Approver Alerts

Emburse Expense Professional has recently launched an alert (pictured below) on the Edit User page, warning administrators when they’re setting up a user’s second-level approver when no form of second-level approval is configured. 

This alert was incorrectly appearing even when approval limits were configured for the user’s first-level approver - we’ve now rectified this issue. If the user’s first-level approver has an approval limit, this error will not be shown as it is possible that the second-level approver will be included in the user’s approval workflow.


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