If your organization uses the Emburse Pay Professional feature, the Convera Payments Batches report can help you look up and track information regarding each batch sent to Convera (formally known as Western Union) from your Emburse Professional account.
This article shows you, as a Emburse Professional Treasurer, how to locate and use the Convera Payment Batches report.
1. On your Emburse Professional account homepage, click Reporting.
2. Select the Convera Payment Batches report.
3. Use the fields to enter a Date Range for which to view batch information. Click Submit.
5. The report is generated and appears in a new browser tab. The report includes:
- Submission Date (UTC) – This column shows the date, and the time (UTC) the batch was sent to Convera.
- Number of Transactions – Shows the number of transactions for the batch.
Status – This column displays:
- Pending – Indicates the batch has been sent to Convera.
- Success – Shows the batch was successfully accepted by Convera for processing.
- FX360 - pending – Indicates the batch contains Check payments. Please see Reimbursing through Pay by Check for more information.
- Error – Indicates the batch did not successfully make it to Convera. For example, if there was an incorrect direct deposit number entered for one of the reports. Emburse Professional works with Convera to rectify any errors that may have occurred within the batch.
Use Invoice Link for a PDF receipt from Convera showing the entire batch payment.