If you have a credit card integration in Emburse Professional, transactions will import into your Emburse Professional Wallet as they become available. You can then create and submit your expense report with the credit card data and receipts by reconciling those credit card transactions.
This article shows you how to reconcile your credit card statements.
Credit Card Cycle
When the credit cards are company-paid, each company needs to identify transactions that have not been included in a processed expense report.
Credit card reconciliation begins by comparing transactions from credit card statements and associated transactions within various accounts in a company's chart of accounts. This ensures that credit card statements and balances are correct and accurate.
Emburse Professional Reports to run for Reconciliations
- Accounts Payable Report: This report only includes processed expenses. It includes summary data for all processed expense reports, making employee reimbursement and general ledger coding easy.
- Expense Report Accruals Report: This report shows all outstanding, unprocessed expenses in Emburse Professional. This includes expenses in the approval process, in draft mode, and expenses still in your Wallet. It includes reimbursable and non-reimbursable expenses.
- P-Card Reconciliation Report: This report shows non-reimbursable expenses based on the date of the expense or the date of the expense report processing. This report makes it easy to reconcile company-paid credit card statements. You can filter this report to show SMB Credit Cards as well as Corporate Credit Cards. You can run this report by Expense Date, Processed Date, or Posting Date.
- Reconciliation and Accrual Workbench: This makes it easy to reconcile credit card statements by showing all imported transactions from the last 90 days with matching expenses in Emburse Professional. This report is particularly beneficial because it shows expenses that have been imported and deleted from Emburse Professional as well. As a best practice, we recommend you enable Read-Only credit card expenses for this reason. You can run this report by Expense Date, Posting Date, or Import Date.