Pcard Reconciliation Report

The P-Card Reconciliation Report allows accountants to reconcile imported credit card expenses for Emburse Professional users against the credit card provider’s statements for each user. It will also allow linking between submitted expenses lines to matching credit card expenses that imported after the expense report was submitted for approval. 

You'll find this report in the Integration and Data Feeds section of Reporting

1. Scroll to the report in Reporting:


2. Use the available search parameters, and click Submit

Helpful search parameters:

  • Search By: choose expense date, processing date, or posting date
  • Pcard Program: select the credit card you are searching for
  • Show Splits: "No Splits" will show all full transaction amounts, even if the expense was split. 

Searching by Status will filter expenses into four groups:

  • Wallet - The expense line is currently in the user's Wallet
  • Draft - The expense line is in an expense report currently in Draft status
  • Pending - The expense has been submitted for approval, but an approver has not yet approved the expense line
  • Completed - The expense has been submitted for approval and it has been actioned by an approver. Please note that "Complete" and "Processed" are not synonymous. An expense line may be "Complete" before the expense report has been processed.


3. Click Submit to generate the report. 

This report displays all expense information available, in addition to the raw details from the credit card feed itself. Specific to this report, you'll find:

  • Posting Date
  • Pcard Program
  • Vendor - from the credit card feed
  • Location - from the credit card feed
  • Billing Currency
  • Last 4 digits of the card
  • Reason - from the credit card feed. This should match the description from the statement. 



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