There are four Special Role Permissions designated for users who need to perform additional actions within their company's Emburse Professional account:
- Administrators: Manage their company's system and/ or account configuration.
- Auditors: Monitor Instant Audit flagged expenses for Approvers.
- Treasurers: Submit processed expense reports for reimbursement or Mark as Paid for manual reimbursement.
- Translators: Create custom translations for their company.
Each user must have a Standard User Role in Emburse Professional. One or more Special Role Permissions can be granted to users as needed in addition to their Standard User Role.
Note: Special Role Permissions can be assigned to users of any Standard User Role with the exception of Treasurer, which cannot be assigned to a user with a role of Employee.
A User Administrator can view, edit, and create new users. Additionally, they:
- Retain the capabilities of their assigned User role.
- Can create and edit user records.
- Can resend welcome emails.
A Full Administrator manages the overall system configuration of their company's account. Additionally, these users:
- Have full access to Configuration options from their homepage.
- Can add, update, or disable users.
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For companies using Emburse Professional InstantAudit, the Auditor permission is assigned by the Administrator and can be added to any standard Emburse Professional User Role. The Auditor:
- Retains the capabilities of the Standard User Role.
- Monitors flagged expenses using the Auditor-specific InstantAudit Alerts queue.
- Leaves notes and marks flagged expenses as either in- or out-of-compliance; this extra information helps Approvers make better informed decisions.
- Influences the approval process, but is not a part of the approval path.
Treasurers manage approved expense reimbursements to users in Emburse Pay Professional or ACH is enabled.
Additionally, they:
- Can View/Print/Export the ACH Reimbursement History Report.
- Retain all capabilities of their assigned User role.
A Translator creates custom translations for specific phrases and words used within their company's Emburse Professional system. Additionally, these users:
- Can be assigned to any Emburse Professional user role.
- Have the ability to create custom translations for the languages used in their Emburse Professional company account.