Editing Expenses Using the Cleanup Wizard

Emburse Professional's Cleanup Wizard is a simple tool that allows you to review and edit all expenses that Need Attention. This article shows you how to use the Cleanup Wizard tool. 

1. On your account homepage, under My Expense Reports, select Drafts.


2. Select the Name of the expense report you want to open.


3. Each expense that Needs Attention will have a small red flag next to the expense line in the Expense column. This signifies that the expense is missing some required fields or information and needs to be reviewed. Select Cleanup Wizard.


4. A red message and a corresponding red outline will notify you which expense fields need to be reviewed and edited. If there is no red text or outline, verify that the expense data is correct. If there is another expense for review, click Next. To save your changes and close with wizard, click Finish.


5. Once all of the expenses that Need Attention have been reviewed and edited, and the small red flags have been removed, select Submit for Approval.


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