Reviewing Receipts & Expenses in Your Emburse Professional Wallet

The Emburse Professional Wallet is where all captured receipts and imported credit card expenses are stored before they are added to an expense report. This article shows you how to review the items in your Emburse Professional Wallet. 

On your account homepage, click More Items under My Emburse Professional Wallet.


Within the Wallet, you have several options:

  • Viewing Receipts: View a specific receipt image by clicking the view (document) icon next in the Receipt column.
  • Changing a Name: Change the name of an item by clicking the edit (pencil) icon next to the Merge button, entering the new name in the field provided, and clicking the save (disk) icon to save your changes.
  • Deleting an Item: Delete an item by selecting the receipt or expense, and click Delete at the bottom.
    • If an item is deleted, it cannot be recovered.
The Emburse Professional Administrator at your organization may make imported credit card expenses read-only, meaning that you will not be able to edit or delete them. To make changes to read-only expenses, contact your company's Emburse Professional Administrator.
  • Edit Details: To make edits to the actual details, such as Vendor Name, Date, or Expense Category, open the little arrow in the Category/Details button to show the individual edit button. 


  • Add to Report: Add receipt and expenses to an expense report by selecting the checkbox next to each item you want to add, and then selecting Add to Report at the bottom of the page.
  • Send Items: As a Emburse Professional Administrator or delegate user, move selected receipts from your Emburse Professional Wallet to another user's account.
  • View Full Image, Zoom, and Rotate: View the full receipt image in a new browser window by clicking the document icon in the Receipt column; you can then Zoom In, Zoom Out, or Rotate the receipt image.


  • Edit Description: Edit the description for the item. 
  • Detailed View: Expand all available details for all items in the Wallet.
  • Upload Receipts: Click the upload icon in the upper right-hand corner to access all methods to add more receipts to your wallet.
  • Refresh: Use the refresh icon in the upper right-hand corner to refresh your wallet.
  • Merge: This optional view combines receipts and expenses in your Wallet together into one section. It will merge matching receipts and credit card expenses.


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