Uploading Receipts

Uploading receipt images from your computer is a quick and convenient method for adding receipts to your My Emburse Professional Wallet. Individual image uploads can be up to 6 MB in size. You can choose to upload multiple receipt images at once as long as each individual file is smaller than 6 MB, and the sum of all files is smaller than 10 MB in size.  

This article shows you how to upload receipts to your My Emburse Professional Wallet from your computer.

1. On your Emburse Professional account homepage, under Add Receipts, click Upload.


2. On the Add Receipts and Expenses page, select Choose Files.


3. Select the receipt images from your computer. Click Open once you have selected all the receipt images you want to upload.

Windows users can select multiple images at once by pressing the CTRL key and selecting each file.


4. The number of receipt images selected is indicated next to Choose Files. Click Upload Files to add the receipt images to your My Emburse Professional Wallet.


The receipts have now been added to your My Emburse Professional Wallet. Uploaded receipts display the Upload icon in the Source column.

The Upload feature uses Emburse Receipt Transcription, which scans the receipt image and can pre-populate the Vendor, Category/Details and Amount fields for you. If you need to make additions or edits to those fields, you can manually change them using the Edit Item button.


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