Merge Items gives you the choice to view Receipts and Expenses combined in your My Emburse Professional Wallet.
This is helpful if you have imported credit card expenses enabled for your account. Using Merge Items, you can add a merged receipt and expense line to a draft expense report without having to manually combine them.
This article shows you how to use the Merge Items feature in your My Emburse Professional Wallet.
1. On your account homepage, under My Emburse Professional Wallet, select More Items.
2. In your My Emburse Professional Wallet, locate Merge Items in the upper right-hand corner. When Merge Items is OFF, the Merge Items feature is gray, and Receipt images are separated from Expenses and display in different sections.
When reviewing receipts, you may find it easier to keep Merge Items OFF. Receipts and imported credit card expenses then appear separately in your My Emburse Professional Wallet, instead of combined.
3. To turn Merge Items ON, place your cursor to the right of the Merge Items gray circle and click.
The Merge Items feature turns blue, and Receipts and Expenses are listed together.
With Merge Items ON, when an imported credit card expense in your My Emburse Professional Wallet matches a receipt in your My Emburse Professional Wallet, they are visually combined onto one line.
With Merge Items ON, you can easily add the merged receipt and expense line to a draft expense report by marking the checkbox and clicking Add to Report. Both the receipt and the expense line are added to the expense report as a single line item, without having to manually combine them.