You can use the Emburse Professional Mobile app to easily upload receipts to your My Emburse Professional Wallet from your mobile device. The Emburse Professional Mobile app works with Android and iPhone.
This article shows you how to add receipts in the Emburse Professional Mobile app and sync them to your My Emburse Professional Wallet.
1. Open the Emburse Professional Mobile app on your mobile device. Log in with your Emburse Professional Username and Password. Your username and password for Emburse Professional Mobile are the same as your login credentials you use to log into
2. On your Emburse Professional Mobile homescreen, tap Add Receipt.
3. Select a photo resolution to open the camera screen on your mobile device. Photo resolution options include:
- High / Medium – Recommended
- Low – Use only if your device is short on storage
- Gallery – Use to add a receipt image from your mobile device’s photo gallery
4. The camera screen opens. Hold your camera 6 to 12 inches away and focus the camera screen on your receipt. Make sure the receipt fills the screen. Once the receipt looks clear and centered, tap the Photo button to capture the receipt image.
5. On the next screen, tap Use Photo to save the receipt image.
- High Resolution: 200 – 325 Kilobytes (KB)
- Medium Resolution: 100 – 200 Kilobytes (KB)
- Low Resolution: 10 – 100 Kilobytes (KB)
6. On the next screen, tap AutoFill to scan the receipt image and populate the expense detail fields. See AutoFill Tips & Tricks to maximize this feature.
7. If needed, make edits to the expense data by tapping the field you want to edit, entering the data, and tapping Done to save your edits.
8. Tap Save to save the receipt information.
9. On your Emburse Professional Mobile homescreen, tap Sync to upload the receipt and add it to your My Emburse Professional Wallet.
If you have ReportExecutive enabled, receipts in your My Emburse Professional Wallet are automatically added to an expense report for you. Alternatively, you can use the Emburse Professional Mobile Auto Expense Report Wizard to create an expense report on your mobile device.