Emburse Professional Mobile Troubleshooting

If you're having trouble with the Emburse Professional Mobile app, try these troubleshooting tips first to see if they can help:

  • First, make sure you've downloaded the latest version of the Emburse Professional Mobile app. Along with that, make sure your phone is updated with the latest software.


  • Completely exit the app and reopen. If trouble persists, restart your phone and reopen the app once your phone has restarted.
  • You can also try performing a blank sync by tapping the Sync button on the homescreen even if there are no receipts/expenses to sync.


  • If you receive an error message that a receipt can't sync, try opening the receipt and clicking Save again.


  • If you're still experiencing trouble, once logged into the app, click Tools and Support on the homepage. Then, click Delete all and initialize.

Please Note: This action will delete any receipts or expenses that have not yet been synced.

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  • If you're still facing problems, click Tools and Support on the homescreen. From here, click Share Diagnostic Information to notify the Emburse Professional Support team.

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