Certify allows you to enter mileage for a personal vehicle driven for company business. The IRS sets annual allowable rates for standard business mileage as well as moving expenses and charitable work. Your company may also set additional custom rates and date ranges for other types of mileage reimbursements. This article shows you how to create a one-way or segmented mileage expense using the Add Expense function within an existing draft expense report.
You can also UK mileage expenses or create mileage expenses with commuter mileage deduction if your company uses this feature.
One-Way and Round Trips
1. On your account homepage, under My Expense Reports, select Drafts.
2. Under My Expense Reports, click the Name of the expense report you want to open.
3. In the Add Expense box below the expense report, enter the expense information and select the appropriate mileage expense Category.
4. When a mileage expense Category is selected, additional information is required. Enter the departure location in the From field, and the destination location in the To field. Select Map It! to have the mileage automatically calculated for you. Additionally, Google Maps will create a mileage map to use as a receipt when Map It! is selected. Click the checkbox for Round Trip to calculate a two-way distance. When all mileage information has been entered, click Save.
5. The reimbursable amount will be automatically calculated based on your company's personal automobile use policy. To view the rate applied to your mileage expense, click the arrow (>) in the Details column for the mileage expense line.
Segmented Trip
1. In the Add Expense box below the expense report, enter the expense information and select the appropriate mileage expense Category.
2. When a mileage expense Category is selected, additional information is required. Enter the departure location in the From field, and the destination location in the To field. Select Map it! to have the mileage automatically calculated for you. Enter all remaining information in the fields provided, deselect Round Trip, and select Add Segment for a multi-stop trip.
3. The first segment of the trip will be added to the expense report and the expense information for the next segment of your trip will be partially completed in the Add Expense box. Enter the destination in the To field, select Map It!, and edit other details as needed. Select Add Segment to add another segment to your trip or click Save to complete the trip.