Creating Per Diem Expenses

Per diem expenses are expenses where a specific cash amount is allotted to an employee per day for travel expenses. This article shows you how create a single per diem expense and how to use the Per Diem Wizard to create multiple per diem expenses.

Using the Per Diem Wizard

1. On your account homepage, under My Expense Reports, select Drafts.


2. Under My Expense Reports, select the Name of the expense report you want to open.


3. Select Per-Diem Wizard


4. Select the dates you will be receiving a Per diem amount. You will only be able to select dates which fall within the date parameters of the expense report. Once you have finished, click Create Expenses.


5. The reimbursable amount will be automatically calculated based on your company's per diem expense policy. To view the rate applied to your Per Diem expenses, click the arrow (>) next to an expense line in the Details column.


Manually Creating Per Diem Expenses

1. In the Add Expense box below the expense report, enter the expense information and select the appropriate Per Diem expense Category.


2. When a Per Diem expense Category is selected, additional information is required. Enter the Start Date and End Date you would like to report Per Diem expenses for. When all Per Diem information has been entered, click Save.


3. The reimbursable amount will be automatically calculated based on your company's per diem expense policy. To view the rate applied to your Per Diem expenses, click the arrow (>) next to an expense line in the Details column.


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