From time to time, an expense report you submitted may have been approved and processed with a disapproved expense line. When this happens, you may access the processed expense report and copy the disapproved receipt to your Emburse Professional Wallet to include in your next expense report.
1. On your account homepage, select the option under My Expense Reports that contains the expense report: Pending Payment or Archived.
2. Click the Name of the expense report that contains the disapproved expense line.
3. Locate the disapproved expense line. In the Receipt column, click the Open icon with the plus sign to copy the receipt image to your Emburse Professional Wallet.
4. Confirm you would like to copy the receipt and place it in your Emburse Professional Wallet by clicking Yes in the Confirmation popup window.
5. The receipt attached to the disapproved expense line is now available in your Emburse Professional Wallet to include in your next expense report.
Please Note: If the expense is not linked to a p-card master, both the receipt and the expense data will be copied to your Emburse Professional Wallet. If the expense is linked to a p-card master, only the receipt will be copied to your Emburse Professional Wallet.