Recovering Credit Card Expenses

If you use a Small Business Credit Card or a Personal Card with your Emburse Professional account, the Finicity Support Tool offers a quick and easy way for you to recover credit card expenses not imported to your Emburse Professional Wallet.

This article shows you how to import missing credit card transactions to your Emburse Professional Wallet using the Finicity Support Tool.

1. On your Emburse Professional account homepage, open your Emburse Professional Wallet by clicking More Items.


2. On your Emburse Professional Wallet page, click Get Card Transactions.


3. If you have only one card linked within Emburse Professional, the Import Personal Card Transactions page opens with a list of transactions (proceed to Step 4).

If you have multiple credit cards linked within Emburse Professional, you are first prompted to select which account to use. Mark the radio button next to the card from which to import transactions, and then click Select


4. Mark the checkbox next to each Missing transaction to import to your Emburse Professional Wallet. Click Import Transactions.


Please Note: If you receive an error message rather than a list of transactions, you need to re-link your credit card.

Transactions for Review includes missing, non-imported transactions flagged as potential policy violations.

Other Transactions includes all other missing transactions without potential policy violations, and also lists any unprocessed imported transactions that reside in My Emburse Professional Wallet or in an expense report.

The Status column indicates:

  • ER – The transaction is in an existing Expense Report.
  • Missing – The credit card transaction has not been imported to Emburse Professional.
  • Wallet – The credit card transaction is in your Emburse Professional Wallet.

The transaction(s) are then added to the Expenses section of your My Emburse Professional Wallet

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