Using Multiple Currencies

Emburse Professional provides a currency conversion feature that allows you to report expenses in a foreign currency and have the expense amounts converted to your default currency. This article shows you how to report expenses in foreign currency.

Emburse Professional partners with Xe ( to provide currency conversion rates for hundreds of currencies and currency combinations. Xe provides daily FX rates to Emburse Professional, sourced directly from over 100 highly reputable financial data providers and central banks.

Please Note: To enable multiple currencies for your account, please see our Configuring Multiple Currencies article.  

1. On your account homepage, under My Expense Reports, select Drafts.


2. Under My Expense Reports, select the Name of the expense report you want to open.


3. Under My Emburse Professional Wallet, open the receipt you would like to add to your report by clicking Add next to the receipt name.


4. Click Edit or use the Cleanup Wizard to open the new expense line and enter the applicable details. 


5. Select the appropriate currency in the drop-down. Click Save when you are finished with all of the expense details. 


6. View the conversion rate by hovering your cursor over the green triangle next to the expense amount. 



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