Managing Data Interchanges

Emburse Expense Professional is pleased to launch the Data Interchanges page, which administrators can use to view, edit, or manually run their data interchanges (also called data syncs).

Viewing and Running existing Data Interchanges

1. Navigate to the Configuration page by clicking the Gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the home screen.  

2. Under System Integrations, select Manage Data Interchanges. The Data Interchange page opens.

3. View existing data syncs in the Interchanges tab. Each column in this tab is designed to show how the sync works.


The available columns are:

  • Status: ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’, depending on whether a sync is scheduled.
  • Name: The name of the data sync, set by the member of the Emburse Professional team that created it.
  • Last Run: The start and end date/time of the previous run, along with an icon indicating the status of the run.
  • File Pattern: The specification by which files in an SFTP folder the specific sync will pick up. For example, ‘Starts with Users_’ would pick up a file named ‘Users_010122.txt’ but not ‘User_010122.txt’

4. To manually run a data sync, click the three-dot menu to the right of the sync.


5. Click the Run button on the drop-down menu. The data sync is now queued to run.

Updating the Interchange Schedule

Administrators can use the Interchange Settings pane to turn on or off a data interchange, as well as determine its schedule or edit the Interchange.

1. Click the three-dot menu to the right of a data interchange and select Update Schedule.

2. The Interchange Settings pane appears. Check the Active checkbox to turn on or off the data sync.


Please Note: Data Interchanges not marked as Active will not run, even if scheduled.  

3. Using the time input, select what time the sync should run.


4. Select the day(s) the sync should run.


5. When finished, click the Save button.

Please Note: Read-only interchanges will have a lock icon instead of the three-dot icon to the right of the row and will appear grayed out.


Editing an Interchange

Please Note: Data Interchanges not created using the Create a New Data Interchange tool will not have the option to edit settings. 

1. Click the three-dot menu to the right of a data interchange and select Edit Settings

2. The Edit Settings page opens, mirroring the Create a New Data Interchange page. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen when finished editing.

Viewing Run History

Clicking the History tab allows you to see the run history for each of your interchanges.

Like the Interchanges tab, the History table allows admins to see the interchange Name, Last Run Time, and Status. The table also shows the file name that the data sync picked up, as well as the size of the file.


All data interchanges will pick up the oldest matching file (by File Pattern) first.

Downloading and Editing Files

Most administrators will see two folders: an Active folder (/DI/YourAccountName/) where files are picked up from, and an Archive folder (/Archive/YourAccountName) where files will be dropped after a data interchange and stored for 30 days.

The Archive directory gives administrators the ability to view previously run files. Administrators can download the file(s), make edits or additions, then drop the file(s) back into their Active directory (via the SFTP) to re-run.

1. Click the Files tab to display the files present in your SFTP folder.

Please Note: If you don't see your files populated, please reach out to the Emburse Professional Support team.


2. Open a folder by clicking on it. Select any file within the folder to download it to your computer.


3. Make any necessary additions or edits and save the file to your computer. Reupload the file via your SFTP instance, then re-run the data interchange.


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