Managing Emburse Professional AP GL Accounts

General Ledger (GLAccount is an account or record used to sort, store and summarize a company's financial transactions. You may need to edit, add, or delete GL Accounts.

This article will show you, an Accounts Payable Employee, how to manage your GL Accounts.

1. On your Emburse Professional homepage, click the down arrow next to Emburse Professional then click AP.


2. Open the Budgeting tab from the Emburse Professional AP Dashboard.

3. Under the Accounts section, click Set Up GL Accounts tile.

4. This is the Set Up GL Accounts page. To enter a new GL Account, enter a Number and Account Name.


5. Click Add Account.


6. The new GL Account will appear within the existing GL Accounts list below. To edit the account, click the pencil icon.


7. From here, you can edit the Account NumberAccount Name, and Activate/Deactivate the GL Account.


Please Note: Once a GL Account is created, it can only be Deactivated, not deleted..

8. Click Update to complete.


9. Search for existing GL Accounts to edit in the Filters pane. Search for specific GL Accounts by using the Search box, or search for a list by using the Active OnlyInactive Only, and All filters.


10. Click Apply Filter to search.


11. A list of GL Accounts that match the search criteria will appear below.


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