Emburse Professional AP enables companies to assign projects to specific departments. Some companies may wish to restrict some projects to certain departments.
To enable these restrictions, use each department's list of assigned projects. When a department is not assigned to a project, employees in that department cannot use that project.
This article shows you, a Emburse Professional AP employee with the Configure Budgets permission, how to assign projects to departments.
1. On your Emburse Professional AP account homepage, click Budgeting.
2. On the Budgeting tab, under Projects, select Department/Project Restriction.
The Associate Projects to Departments page contains three sections:
- Select Projects to assign
- Check selections
- Check Departments to assign selections to
The Select Projects to assign section lists all your company's projects.
Assigning Projects to Departments
1. To assign a project to a certain department, select the project's name in the Select projects section and click Add.
The project's name now appears under Check selections.
2. In the Check Departments to assign selections to section, click the plus/minus icon next to the name of your organization to see all the departments you can assign this project to.
3. Check the boxes next to each department that should be able to view and charge to this project, then click Save Assignments.
4. Click OK to confirm the assignments.
Editing Project Restrictions
1. Under Select Projects to assign, select the name of the project you wish to edit and click Add.
2. To clear a project’s department assignments, in the Check Departments to assign selections to section, click Clear Assignments & Selections.
This project’s department assignments are cleared.