A Budget is an estimate of income and expenses for a certain period. Companies plan budgets in advance and maintain or adjust them as necessary.
This article will show you, an Accounts Payable Employee, how to edit and divide your company's budgets.
Editing Budgets
1. On the Emburse Professional AP dashboard, open the Budgeting tab.
4. Under Budgets, select the GL Budgets tile.
5. This is the View and Edit Budget Figures page. Choose which Fiscal Year and which Department you'd like to edit the budget for by choosing from the drop-down menus.
6. Click Submit.
7. To edit a budget, click the Pencil icon.
8. You can now enter in the appropriate budget amounts per month. When complete, click Update to return to your full budgets list.
Dividing Budgets
1. To enter a new Total budget and divide it evenly between the months of the year, scroll right to see the Total column. Enter the new total in the Total column and click the Distribute ( ) icon.
2. Emburse Professional AP divides the amount in the Total column by 12 and assigns an equal amount to each month.
3. After entering the budget amounts for the GL Account, click Update.