Emburse Professional AP enables companies to set spending allowances for specific users. After your company sets an amount that a user can spend, Emburse Professional AP tracks the user's spending and compares it to their allowance.
This article will show you, an Accounts Payable Employee, how to create and edit User Allowances.
1. On your Emburse Professional homepage, click the down arrow next to Emburse Professional then click AP.
2. This is your Emburse Professional AP dashboard. Click the Budgeting tab.
3. In the Budgeting box, click Configure/View User Allowances.
4. The View and Edit Budget Figures page opens. Select which fiscal year you'd like to view from the drop-down list, then click Submit.
5. To edit a user's allowance, click the pencil icon in that user's row.
6. Add monthly budget amounts by entering them in the fields provided. When complete, click Update.
7. The updated User Allowance appears. You can edit this User Allowance at any time during the fiscal year.