Restricting GL Accounts by Department in AP

Emburse Professional AP enables your company to associated departments (synced from Emburse Expense Professional) with certain GL Accounts. Some companies may wish to restrict some GL Accounts to certain departments.

To enable these restrictions, use each department's list of associated GL Accounts. When a department is not associated with a GL Account, employees in that department cannot use that GL Account.

This article shows you, a Emburse Professional AP user with the Configure Budgets permission, how to associate GL Accounts with departments. 

1. Navigate to the Budgeting tab from the Emburse Professional AP Dashboard. 

2. On the Budgeting page, under Accounts, click Department / GL Restriction.

The Associate GL Accounts with Departments page displays your company's department tree/hierarchy on the left. 


Associating GL Accounts with Departments

1. On the Associate GL Accounts with Departments page, next to your company's name, click the plus icon to see all parent departments. 


2. To associate a GL Account with a department, select the department's name.


The table of GL Accounts appears on the right side of the page.


The table displays the following information:

  • Acct. No.: This GL Account's number.
  • Account Name: This GL Account's name.
  • Associated: Indicates if this GL Account is associated with this department. 
    • If a GL is associated with a department, the department can charge to that GL.
    • If a GL is not associated with a department, the department cannot charge to that GL.

3. To associate certain GL Account(s) with this department, mark the Associated checkbox(es) and click Save Associates. You must associate at least one GL Account with each department.


The GL Accounts whose checkboxes you marked are now associated with this department. Employees in this department can now charge to the GL Accounts you selected.

4. Repeat the previous steps to associate GL Accounts with other departments.

Please Note: If any department (including parent departments) does not have GL's associated, all Users will lose the ability to submit invoices until the Administrator associates at least one GL.

Dissociating GL Accounts from Departments

To disassociate a GL Account from this department, unmark the Associated checkbox and click Save Associations.


The GL Accounts are disassociated. Now, employees in this department cannot associate line items with these GL Accounts.

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