Grouping GL Accounts

Emburse Professional AP stores your company's GL (General Ledger) Accounts. Having your GL Accounts in your Emburse Professional AP account enables employees in your company to charge spending to specific GL Accounts.

Emburse Professional AP enables your company to organize these GL Accounts into groups. Groups of GL Accounts help companies create clear, well-organized budgets and reports.

This article will show you, an Accounts Payable Employee how to create, edit, and delegate groups of GL Accounts.

1. On your Emburse Professional homepage, click the down arrow next to Emburse Professional then click AP.


2. This is your Emburse Professional AP dashboard. Click the Budgeting tab.


3. In the GL Accounts box, click Group GL Accounts.


The Configure G/L Account Groupings page opens.


4. The left side of the page displays your company's department tree. Click the plus icon to see a list of GL Accounts and GL Account groupings for a department.


5. An expanded list of GL Accounts appears. To create a GL Account Group, start by clicking your Company Name.


6. A Create New Group section appears on the right. Enter the name of a new group in the field provided and click Create.


7. The new group appears under your company name in the list. To add GL Accounts to it, click the group's name.


8. Three tabs appear on the right:

  • Edit Group: This this group by adding or removing GL Accounts.
  • Create New Sub Group: Create a new sub group within this group.
  • Delete Group: Delete this group.


9. To add GL Accounts to the new group, stay in the Edit Group tab and mark the checkbox next to each GL Account's name in the In Group column. Click Update when complete.


If you ever want to remove a GL Account from the group, simply un-check the checkbox and click Update.

10. To create a new sub group, click the Create a New Sub Group tab. Enter the name of the sub group in the Group Name field and click Create.


11. To add GL Accounts in the sub group, first click the plus icon next to the parent group.


12. Click the sub group.


13. Click the checkboxes next to the GL Accounts you'd like to add to your sub group. Then, click Update.


14. To delete a group, first select the parent group from the list of groups on the right. Then, click the Edit Group tab.


15. Un-check all the In Group column checkboxes. The group must be empty before you can delete it. Then, click Update.


16. Click the Delete Group tab. Then, click Delete.


17. The group is now removed from the list.


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