Enabling User-Based Approval

In Emburse Professional AP, there are two types of transactions that need approval: Purchase Requisitions and Invoices. To view and edit approval chains for these transactions, you can use User-Based Approval, Vendor-Based Approval, or The Signature Authority Form (S.A.F) or you can choose to use a Flexible Approval workflow. Your company-wide and department approval chains were set up during your company's original Emburse Professional AP setup.

User-Based Approval is an approval chain that is unique to each employee. You can designate one or more approvers for a submitter. 

This article will show you, a Emburse Professional Administrator, how to enable User-Based Approval.

1. On your Emburse Professional AP account homepage, click the gear icon.


2. Click your company's name.


3. Click the Company Preferences tab.


4. Scroll down to the Routing Controls section and the User-Based Approval settings. Choose from the following:

  • Enabled: Click here to enable User-Based Approvals.
  • Disabled: Click here if your company does not user User-Based Approvals.

If you selected enabled, you can choose from the following three checkboxes:

  • Send to S.A.F by default if User-Based Approvers are not configured: Click here to send the transaction for approval using the S.A.F department approval chain if the user does not have User-Based Approval set up.
  • Send Invoices to S.A.F after User-Based Approval: Click here if the Invoice should go through the S.A.F approval chain after it has gone through the User-Based Approval Chain.
  • Send Requisitions to S.A.F after User-Based Approval: Click here if the Purchase Requisition should go through the S.A.F approval chain after it has gone through the User-Based Approval Chain.


The S.A.F is the general approval chain, and the User-Based Approval is a user-specific approval chain. To learn more about setting approval chains for User-Based Approval, click here.


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