Approving an Invoice in Emburse Professional AP

Once you've received products from a vendor, employees will submit the invoice internally. These invoices need to be approved by their designated approver in Emburse Professional AP.

This article will show you, a Emburse Professional AP Approver, how to approve an invoice.

1. On your Emburse Professional AP Dashboard, click Invoices.


2. This is the Approval Inbox. Click the Invoices tab to view what invoices have been submitted for approval.



Depending on if your company has Quick Approve enabled, approvers may see the Approve Selected button. Click the checkbox to the left of the invoice and click Approve Selected to approve the invoice without looking at the details.


3. Click the invoice to open the Invoice Details page.


Invoice Details

On the Invoice Details page, view any attachments uploaded to the invoice, the approval chain, any comments, and more detailed invoice information by clicking View Details. 

To open an expense line to view further details, click on a line item. 

A popup window appears. From this screen, approvers can edit the GL and the Project as well as see additional invoice information.


Open the Comments tab to see if the submitter has entered any internal comments. Approvers can also enter internal comments here.

Approvers have two methods for handling line items:

  • Check Mark: Approve all expenses.
  • X: Reject all expenses and send them back to the submitter.

Alternatively, approve/reject individual expense lines by using the icons to the right of the line item.

Be sure that each expense item has been approved, questioned, or rejected before continuing.

Approvers have a few different methods to continue:

  • Route to Approver: This gives you the ability to send the requisition to another approver to review.
  • Budget Report: Creates a Project Budget Report
  • Reset Changes: This will undo any changes made to this requisition and reset them to the original values entered.
  • Process: This allows approvers to send the requisition further in workflow if approved, or back to the submitter if rejected.

Click Process. Approvers are sent back to the Approval Inbox. 



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