Retract/ Void an Invoice in Emburse Professional AP

An Invoice is a document from a seller or vendor that describes items sold, prices, and the date of shipment. The invoice will then need to be paid.

This article will show you how to retract or void an invoice.

Retracting an Invoice

1. On the Configurations page, select Manage Transactions


2. Enter your search terms and click Search.


3. The matching invoices will appear. Click Retract next to the correct invoice.


4. Click the checkboxes next to the line items you'd like to retract. The invoice will be voided and the submitter will receive a new copy of the invoice to be re-submitted.


5. Enter required comments and click Retract Invoice. You will receive a message that your transaction has been successfully processed.


Voiding an Invoice

1. From the Manage Transactions page, enter your search terms and click Search.


2. The matching invoices will appear. Click Void next to the correct invoice.


3. Click the checkboxes next to the line items you'd like to void. Any Purchase Order items will not be re-opened.


4. Enter required comments and click Void Invoice.


5. You will receive a message that your transaction has been successfully processed.


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