General Ledger Dimensions Overview

General Ledger Dimensions (GLDs) are customizable fields that Emburse Professional Administrators can add to expense reports or user profiles. 

Universal fields are included in Emburse Professional by default to capture important information about users and expenses. You can use GLDs to track any additional information about your expenses in Emburse Professional that are important to your accounting or budgeting processes.

Employee General Ledger Dimensions

Employee GLDs are custom fields that you can associate with employees in order to have key information automatically associated with any expense that they submit in Emburse Professional. Employee GLDs should be used for information that stays constant for employees, such as their business unit or region.

Employee GLDs are assigned to users by a Emburse Professional Administrator and cannot be edited by the user. Employee GLDs are visible to users under their Account Settings and to Admins on the View & Edit Users page.

Click here to learn more about and how to configure Employee General Ledger Dimensions.

Expense Report General Ledger Dimensions

Expense Report General Ledger Dimensions are custom fields that you can add to expense reports and/or line items for users to select from a predefined list. Expense Report GLDs should be used to collect data from employees on the expenses that they submit when that data will not always stay the same for employees, such as which client or project an expense is associated with.

The list of options available for each Expense Report GLD is defined by a Emburse Professional Administrator. You can configure whether or not the field is required, whether or not it appears at the report or line item level, and which expense categories it appears for.

Click here to learn more about and how to configure Expense Report General Ledger Dimensions.

Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimensions

Expense Level Free-Text GLDs are custom fields that you can add to expense line items for users to fill in freeform text or numbers. Free-Text GLDs should be used to collect data about expenses from employees when you do not have a pre-defined list for them to choose from.

You can configure whether or not the field is required, if there is a character minimum or maximum, and whether or not values should be limited to numbers (not letters/words).

Click here to learn more about and how to configure Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimensions.

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