Configure Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimensions

Expense Level Free-Text General Ledger Dimensions (GLDs) are custom fields that you can add to expense line items for users to fill in freeform text or numbers. Free-Text GLDs should be used to collect data about expenses from employees when you do not have a pre-defined list for them to choose from.

All active Expense Level Free-Text GLDs are included on every expense line item that your users add in Emburse Professional. You can configure whether or not the field is required and you can enforce response consistency by setting a character minimum or maximum and optionally requiring that responses be limited to numbers (not letters/words).

This article focuses on Expense Level Free-Text GLDs. You can also add Expense Report GLDs (custom fields added to reports and/or line items for users to select from a predefined list) and Employee GLDs (custom fields associated with employees that are automatically applied to all of their expenses). To learn more about other types of GLDs in Emburse Professional, see General Ledger Dimensions Overview.

Please Note: Before creating an Expense GLD, confirm that the information won't already be captured in a default field for applicable Emburse Expense Professional Types.

Access the General Ledger Dimensions Page

To access the General Ledger Dimensions page, click the gear icon on your Emburse Professional homepage and then select General Ledger Dimensions.


Activate an Expense Level Free-Text GLD

 1. Click the In Use checkbox and enter the GLD Label.


2. Select other field attributes including Required Field, Minimum Length, and Maximum Length or Numbers Only.

3. Select an AutoSuggest Behavior.

  • Personal List: AutoSuggest options are derived from previous entries by user
  • Company List: AutoSuggest options are derived from previous entries by all users in your company 

4. Click Save at the bottom of the page. 

Once saved, your Expense Level Free-Text GLD will be included on every expense line item that your users add in Emburse Professional.

Deactivate an Expense Level Free-Text GLD

Uncheck the In Use checkbox next to the GLD Label to deactivate the GLD. This will prevent that GLD from appearing on expenses and being filled in by users.

free_text_gld active.png

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