Configure Expense Report General Ledger Dimensions

Expense Report General Ledger Dimensions are custom fields that you can add to expense reports and/or line items for users to select from a predefined list. Expense Report GLDs should be used to collect data from employees on the expenses that they submit when that data will not always stay the same for employees, such as which client or project an expense is associated with.

The list of options available for each Expense Report GLD is defined by a Emburse Professional Administrator.

This article focuses on Expense Report GLDs. You can also add free-text GLDs at the expense line level and Employee GLDs (custom fields associated with employees that are automatically applied to all of their expenses). To learn more about other types of GLDs in Emburse Professional, see General Ledger Dimensions Overview.

Please Note: Before creating an Expense GLD, confirm that the information won't already be captured in a default field for applicable Emburse Expense Professional Types.

Access the General Ledger Dimensions Page

To access the General Ledger Dimensions page, click the gear icon on your Emburse Professional homepage and then select General Ledger Dimensions.


Activate an Expense Report GLD

1. Click the In Use checkbox and enter the GLD Label.


2. Select the GLD Style from the drop-down menu provided. Dropdown menu options include: 


  • List, Not Required: A drop-down list of elements available for selection; user is not required to enter this field
  • List, Required No Blank: A drop-down list of elements available for selection; user is required to select an element from this list; the field defaults to the first element alphabetically
  • List, Required With Blank: A drop-down list of elements available for selection; user is required to select an element from this list; the field defaults to a blank value
  • Search, No Required: User enters a word or phrase to search in the list provided; user is not required to enter this field
  • Search, Required: User enters a word or phrase to search in the list provided; user is required to enter this field 

3. Click Save at the bottom of the page. 

Create an Expense Report GLD List

Once you have created an Expense Report GLD field, add all of the possible values as the GLD List.

1. Once a GLD has been activated, select View and Edit List.


2. Select Create a New Record. To add multiple records, you may also use the Bulk Upload Tool.


3. Enter the record Name. Enter the GLD Code, if applicable. Click Next to create the record. 


Configure When Expense Report GLDs and List Options Are Available

By default, all active Expense Report GLDs are included on every expense report and line item that your users add in Emburse Professional and users can choose from any of the available GLD list options.

You can use advanced features to determine which Expense Report GLDs appear at the report level, to limit which Expense Report GLDs appear for different expense categories, and/or to dynamically update which GLD list options are available.

  • Advanced Element Suppression (AES) allows you to determine which Expense Report GLDs appear at the report level and to make General Ledger Dimensions (GLDs) appear and be required only for certain expense categories. Learn how to apply Advanced Element Suppression to your Expense GLDs.
  • Dynamic Filtering allows Emburse Professional Administrators to filter the available values for one General Ledger Dimension (GLD) based on a user’s selection of a previous GLD. Learn how to ensure that certain "child" GLDs can only be selected if users choose their corresponding "parent" GLD using Dynamic Filtering.

Edit an Expense Report GLD List

1. Click View and Edit List.

2. Enter the record Name or Code. Click Submit without entering any parameters to view a list of all records. 


3. Use the edit (pencil) icon to edit the record Name or Code. Use the red X to deactivate the record.


Deactivate an Expense Report GLD

Uncheck the In Use checkbox next to the GLD Label to deactivate the GLD. This will prevent that GLD from appearing on expenses and being filled in by users.


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