Data Archive

Data Archive is a monthly service that delivers a .zip file of all processed expense reports for the past month. The approval code is used as a directory to identify each expense report. Each directory contains all of the receipt images for a specific expense report, as well as an HTM file that contains expense data, approval data, notes, and inquiries.
The Data Archive files are available for download on the first of every month, after a one month waiting period. For example, expense reports processed April 1 - 31, will be available through Data Archive on June 1. An email is sent to Administrators at the beginning of the month once the Certify Data Archive is available. 

This article shows you, as a Certify Administrator, how to use Data Archives.

1. From your Certify account homepage, click the gear icon.


2. On the System Configuration page, scroll down to the Service Plan and Billing section, and select Data Archives.


3. From the Certify Data Archive screen, select Download next to the date range you would like to open.



As an additional way to access the files, Administrators receive an email at the beginning of each month containing a link to the Data Archive page.


4. The ZIP folder displays at the bottom of your screen. Click the ZIP folder to open it.


5. The ZIP file opens locally on your desktop. Each expense report resides in its own folder and is labeled by a unique approval code. Click the Approval Code folder to open and view the expense report and receipt files inside.


Each expense report file folder contains all receipt images attached to that expense report. Receipts remain in the original file format in which they were added. The expense report is available as an HTM document. The ZIP file and all files it contains can be saved locally to your computer as needed. 


Once downloaded, the columns in the Data Archive Files list show:

  • If the file has been downloaded
  • The date it was downloaded
  • Who downloaded the file




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