The Daily Meal Limit Policy option allows you to enable automatic calculation of all meal expenses in one day to compare to the daily maximum amount. Expenses exceeding this threshold will be flagged as policy violations.
This article shows you, a Emburse Professional Administrator, how to configure a Daily Meal Limit Policy.
1. On your Emburse Professional homepage click the gear icon.
2. Select View and Edit Expense Categories.
3. Open an existing expense category using the pencil icon, or, select Create a New Expense Category link.
4. Enter/edit the details for the meal expense category. Enter a maximum amount and select the Daily Meal Limit check box.
Please Note: The Daily Meal Limit will be calculated using the Maximum Amount entered for all meal categories with the Daily Meal Limit checkbox enabled.
5. Click Save to save your changes; or, click Next to save your new expense category. When the meals categories are used, the amounts will be calculated against the daily meal limit.
In this example, the Daily Meal Limit is $75.00:
- The Breakfast maximum amount is $15.00
- the Lunch maximum amount is $25.00
- The Dinner maximum amount is $35.00
Meal expenses in one day exceeding the limit will be flagged as policy violations.