Detailed Meal Atendees helps Administrators review employee spending on meals by requiring extra details for each meal attendee. Using this feature gives employees the ability to add both single and multiple, detailed meal attendees at once, instead of adding each meal attendee individually.
This article shows you, a Certify Administrator, how to enable the Detailed Meal Attendees feature.
1. On your Certify homepage, click the gear icon.
2. Under Company Policy, in the Expense Categories section, select View and Edit Expense Categories.
3. On the View and Edit Expense Categories page, enter Meals in the Search field provided and click Submit.
4. Click the pencil icon next to the category (or several) that you use for Meals.
5. Select the Require Detailed Attendees checkbox. Click Next.
7. Click Next again to confirm.
Now the Detailed Attendees feature is enabled for your company’s Certify account. When employees select the Meal expense category, required fields for First Name, Last Name, Title, Company, and Relationship appear.