Merchant Category Code Mapping to Expense Categories

If users have a corporate credit card feed or a custom expense import via SFTP, Administrators can link one or several Merchant Category Codes to an expense category.

After a merchant code and category are linked, future transactions which import with the specific merchant code will auto-categorize to the expense category defined by the Administrator.

This article shows you, a Emburse Professional Administrator, how to map merchant category codes to expense categories.

1. On your Emburse Professional homepage, click the gear icon.


2. Click View and Edit Expense Categories.


3. Enter search criteria for the expense category you'd like to edit, then click Submit.


4. Click the below icon to be brought to the mapping screen.


5. From the mapping screen you can select one or more merchant codes to link to an expense category. When a merchant code is linked to an expense category, any transaction which imports with the applicable merchant code will auto-categorize to the expense category in question.

Please Note: Imported expenses which have been auto-categorized will override the end user's category selection when the receipt merges with the expense. Submitters, their approvers (with permissions), and their accountant have the ability to update the expense category after the merge occurs.


Use Merchant Code Group to filter the list by Airlines, Hotels, Cars, Meals, or Miscellaneous codes.


If you know the specific merchant code or merchant code description, use the Keyword search to further refine the list.


If you prefer to only see merchant codes which have imported from your company's credit card feed, toggle the Imported Codes Only slider.


6. Click Link to link to a merchant code to an expense category.


Now all linked merchant codes will appear at the top of the list. Any future transaction which imports with a corresponding merchant code will auto-categorize to the expense category selected.


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