Approving an Expense Report

When an expense report is submitted for approval, the approver receives an email alerting them that an expense report is awaiting their approval. This article shows you how, as a Manager, to approve expense reports.

1. On your account homepage, click Approval Requests.  


2. On the next page, you will see all of the expense reports awaiting your approval. To view a specific expense report, select the Employee name or the open  icon in the View column to open the expense report in a new browser window.


3. On the expense report page, you can view expense details.

  • Click the view details  icon to expand or collapse the expense details for all line items.
  • To view a receipt for an expense line item, click the receipt  icon in the Receipt column.
    • A red exclamation mark under the Receipt column indicates that there is no receipt image attached to the expense line.
    • A green checkmark in the Receipt column indicates that there is no receipt image attached to the expense line, however, no receipt is required for this expense according to your company’s policies. 
  • To view vendor and location details, click the expand  icon in the Details column.
    • A red exclamation mark in the Details column indicates that the expense may be out of company policy.


4. If you have a question about an expense line, need to make changes, or add a note, use the actions available in the Other Actions menu. Click the arrow in the Actions column to access the menu and choose the appropriate action.


5. To approve the entire expense report, select Approve All next to Expenses. To approve specific expense lines, click the Approve button in the Approval column for that expense line.

  • You can also click Disapprove Report under the expense summary to send the report back to the employee for policy violations or issues that they need to correct.


6. After approving, click Approve Report to send the expense report to the next approver. 

7. An email preview will be displayed. Enter text in the Enter your comments field as needed for the next approver. Click Submit to complete the approval process.

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