Using Administrative Flags

Administrative Flags can be manually added to submitted expense lines to note report submitter actions. After an Approver adds a note to an expense line, it will be flagged for review. These flags are known as Administrative Flags.  

This article shows you, an Approver, how to review and enter administrative flags.

1. On your Emburse Professional homepage, click Approval Requests.


2. Select the report you want to review. 


Please Note: If an administrative flag has been added to a user's expense report within the last 90 days, details from those prior flags will be present in the Approval Requests queue to hover over. 

3. Select the Other Actions menu of the specific expense line that needs a note. 


4. In the Enter Note box, enter your note. Click the Flag for Review checkbox, and then Save


5. The note is now permanently added to the expense line. This report will be added to the Expense Policy Review report, and also added to the user's count of administrative flags within the last 90 days. 


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