Placing a Purchase Order

A Purchase Order is a document that formally orders goods and services or confirms the approval of a Purchase Requisition. The Purchase Order will be used to complete the purchase process, or will go to the Vendor dependent on your company's terms.

This article will show you, a Emburse Professional AP Submitter, how to place a Purchase Order.

1. Click the Create button on your Emburse Professional AP Dashboard, then select Purchase Orders from the drop-down menu.


2. First, select how to group the line items. 


  • By Vendor: Combines all line items that share a common vendor and groups them to become one purchase order.
  • By Requisition: Keeps all line items together on their respective requisitions and will result in individual purchase orders for each vendor represented on the requisition.
  • By Vendor/Bill to Department: Separates line items into separate purchase orders if they have separate Bill To addresses associated with them.

3. Depending on company configurations, submitters may be able to Edit individual items before submitting. To do so, click the pencil icon.


4. Edit the details about the product here, including QuantityDepartmentGL Account, and Project.


5. To replace a line item with a different item, type your search criteria, and click Search


6. Add the item directly to the purchase order by clicking the green plus icon. This automatically replaces the old item. 


7. Click Save Changes to complete the process.


Please Note: When making changes on this page, depending on company settings, an approver may need to re-approve the requisition before generating a purchase order. If that is necessary, a pop-up appears stating this after clicking Save Changes.

8. Click Back to go back to the Generate Purchase Order screen.


9.Enter any comments to the vendor.


10. Check the box on the right side of the requisitions to order the items.


11. Next, click Generate Purchase Orders.


12. A pop-up window appears. Click OK to confirm the purchase order information. 


13. Submitters are re-directed to the Place Purchase Orders page, where the individual gerated purchase orders are listed.


14. To place purchase orders, there are four methods to choose from:


  • Print: This link allows submitters to print out a copy of the purchase order. After printing, users can continue to place the purchase order by fax or email.
  • Fax: This link allows submitters to fax an electronic copy of the purchase order to the vendor if they have an available fax number.
  • Email: This link allows submitters to email an electronic copy of the purchase order to the vendor if they have an available email address.
  • Punchout: This link is only available for online vendor purchase orders. When clicked, it will send an electronic order to their website.

15. After placing the purchase order using one of the four methods, a confirmation message appears at the top of the screen.







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