Submitting a Purchase Requisition

Purchase Requisition is a document that will request approval to purchase goods or services for your company. The Purchase Requisition will be sent to your internal Approver who has a chance to approve it before converting to a Purchase Order.

This article will show you, an Emburse Professional AP Submitter, how to submit a Purchase Requisition.

Create a New Requisition

1. Click the Create button on the Emburse Professional AP Dashboard, then select New Requisition


2. From here, you can create a new requisition under Create Requisition, or work on a previously saved requisition under Your Requisitions in Progress.


3. When creating a new requisition, fill out the Department, the Project, the Requisition Title, and the Requisition Date. The date can be current, a past date or a future date.


4. Click Create when complete.


Edit your Requisition Information

1. Add the Header information. You can attach any files from your computer, or fax them in. For example, a quote from a vendor or an inventory list. 

  • Simply click Attach a File to upload a file from your computer.


  • Click Download Fax Sheet. Print this cover page and it will have a fax number on it where you can fax your documents. You can fax in as many documents as needed.


Please Note: Any documents you attach to the requisition will stay with it indefinitely. They will also move onto the Purchase Order and Invoice so you will always have access to them.

2. Ensure the Bill To and Ship To addresses are correct. Your Bill To address is where you'd like the bill to be sent for the items in your requisition. Your Ship To address is where you'd like the items in the requisition shipped. 


  • Change the attention of the Ship To address by changing the name at the top. 


  • Change the Ship To address completely by clicking the pencil icon.  Submitting_a_Purchase_Requisition_11.png
    • From here, choose from a list of already entered addresses, or enter a new address by clicking Add Shipping Address.

Submitting_a_Purchase_Requisition_12.png3. Add optional comments here. These comments will only be visible internally to your Approver and yourself. They will stay with the requisition as it becomes a Purchase Order and Invoice.


4. Click Hide Header Details to have more room to search for items below. To show the header details at any time, click Show Header Details.


Add Products to your Requisition

1. When searching for products to add to your requisition, you have these options to search by:


  • Description/SKU: Enter a keyword or SKU number that describes the product you'd like to add.
  • Search All Categories Drop-Down menu: Choose from a list of pre-filled categories that the product may be listed under.
  • Recently Added to Catalog Drop-Down menu: Choose from a list of products that have recently been purchased.
  • Available Order Pads Drop-Down menu: Choose from a list of existing options for larger or group orders.

For more ways to search, click Switch to Advanced Search.


  • Vendor: Type a vendor (Staples, OfficeMax, etc.) that you'd like to filter the product search by.
  • Manufacturer Number: Search by specific manufacturer number.
  • Manufacturer: Search by specific manufacturer name.


Please NoteYou can utilize multiple forms of searching at once, such as Vendor and Description to get a more filtered list of products.

2. Once you'd found the product(s) you'd like to add to your requisition, simply edit the Quantity if needed and click the green plus icon to add.


3. You also have the option of searching for products through Available Online Vendors. You'll have different vendors depending on your organization. Simply click the vendor's icon to be brought to their website. 


3. Add the products you'd like to add to your requisition to your online cart.


4. Once you've added all of your products, go to your cart and click Checkout.


5. Click Transfer Shopping Cart to transfer your online cart to your purchase requisition.


6. When your requisition is complete, you have the option to:

  • Delete: Permanently deletes the entire requisition.
  • Close: Your requisition will save and you can come back to it at another time.
  • Continue: Move forward with submitting your requisition.


Submitting your Requisition

1. After clicking Continue on the previous screen, you'll be brought to the Finalize Requisition Contents screen. From here, edit the Header information you entered previously by clicking Show Header Details.


2. Edit your product information by line item. Make sure each product is for the correct DepartmentGL, and Project. Also make sure you selected the correct Quantity and Price and edit any information if needed.


3. Under the Status column, you'll see three additional icons:


  • Create Recurring Requisitions: This icon will allow you to make this product a recurring item. You'll be brought to the Recurring Requisition Item page where you can choose how often you'd like to receive this product.


  • Allocate: This icon allows you to allocate the line item quantity and price across multiple Departments, GLs, or Projects. You'll be brought to the Allocate Item page where you can edit this information.


  • Previous Order History: This icon allows you to see previous order history for this item.


4. Once you're finished editing your purchase requisition, you have a few options:


  • Delete: This will delete the entire requisition.
  • Close: This will save your requisition and allow you to come back to it later.
  • Continue Shopping: This will bring you back to the previous screen and allow you to add more products to your requisition. 
  • Update: This will re-calculate the requisition total if you've made changes to it above.
  • Route Requisition: This will send the requisition off for approval.

5. To send the requisition forward for approval, click Route Requisition


6. You'll be brought back to your Purchasing homescreen where you'll see a message that Your cart has been routed for approval


Once you've routed your requisition, your approver will receive an email notification.



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