Custom Mileage Locations

Emburse Professional Administrators have the ability to add in frequently-used addresses for mileage expenses, available company-wide. This article shows you, a Emburse Professional Administrator, how to pre-load Custom Mileage Locations

1. Click the gear icon on your Emburse Professional homepage, then click Personal Automobile Use


2. Select View and Edit Custom Mileage Locations


3. Select Create a New Custom Mileage Location


4. Enter a Short Name and the address. Click Next to save. 


If you have several addresses to upload, you may also select Use The Custom Mileage Location Bulk Upload Tool.


Enter your addresses in a "Short Name","Address" format. Select Add These Records to upload.


When entering their next mileage expense, an employee may type into the From and To fields and Emburse Professional will filter results based on any available Custom Mileage Locations for mileage expenses.





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