Accountant's Other Actions Menu

When you are reviewing an expense report, there are several actions you can take under the Other Actions menu. This article shows you how to use the actions available in the Other Actions menu.  

1. On your account homepage, click Processing Requests.


2. On the next page, you will see a list of the expense reports awaiting your approval. To view a specific expense report, click an Employee name or the view (document) icon under Action. This will open the expense report in a new browser window.  


3. To access the Other Actions menu, click the arrow (>) under Approval. Actions in the Other Actions menu include:

  • Add Note - Add a note to a specific expense line
  • Inquire Ask the submitter a question about an expense and/or allow the submitter to edit the expense
  • Add Bank Fee – Add a bank fee for any currency conversion charges
  • Split Expense – Split a portion of an expense into a different category or department
  • Disapprove – Disapprove the expense line
  • Edit Expense – Edit any of the expense details in an expense line
  • Edit Reim. Amount - Edit the reimbursable amount of the expense line
  • Send to Wallet - send this expense back to the submitter's Wallet.
  • Add Image - Attach additional receipt images or supporting documentation to the expense line.

 To use an action in the Other Actions menu, select the action name. Complete the fields under that item as needed and save.

If you have Emburse Professional Administrative rights, you may also have the option to delete an expense line in the Other Actions menu:

Delete Expense - Permanently remove an expense line from the expense report.


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