Unprocessing Expense Reports

In rare cases, an expense report which has previously been processed may need to be edited or corrected.

This article shows you, an Administrator, how to unprocess an expense report to allow for further edits, disapproval, or reprocessing.

Please Note: In order to unprocess an expense report, you must have a user role of Accountant and also have Full Administrator privileges.

1. Open the expense report in question. This can be achieved by running the Processed Expense Reports report, available on the Reporting tab.



2. Search for either the approval code or employee in question.


Please Note: Any expense report which has been reimbursed through Emburse Professional Payments will not be eligible to be unprocessed. Additionally, any expense report which has been exported through an automated process (such as SFTP) will not be eligible.


3. Click View to open the report.


4. Click Unprocess Report.


5. A confirmation box will appear. Click Yes to unprocess the report.


Once you click Yes, the report will return to the Processing Requests Queue of the Accountant who previously processed the report. From there, the Accountant can disapprove, edit, or reprocess the report as needed.

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